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(Created page with "The story of Kaizen Heiral Kaizen was born in his homeland of Nippon. War was constant between human clans, clashes of warriors were often in the snowy and grassy plains. As well as those of Anthro clans; tribes of wolf-man and ox-men as well as other animals often at odds with one another, blood shed was extremely common and hate. Anthro and Human kind were aware of each other, at first through fairy tales and legends. Then those tales of demons that sought to wipe the...")
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[[Category:Fallen Players' Stories]]

Revision as of 22:14, 12 September 2023

The story of Kaizen Heiral

Kaizen was born in his homeland of Nippon. War was constant between human clans, clashes of warriors were often in the snowy and grassy plains. As well as those of Anthro clans; tribes of wolf-man and ox-men as well as other animals often at odds with one another, blood shed was extremely common and hate. Anthro and Human kind were aware of each other, at first through fairy tales and legends. Then those tales of demons that sought to wipe the other from the face of the earth, soon stirred.

Human and Anthro kind soon found themselves in an giant war in Nippon. Tales would be told around the world about this clash, that would make both races at odds with each other. The war had ended with human victory led by Oda Nabunaga. Oda had successfully united Nippon under one rule, though soon was assassinated soon after by one of his own brethren whom also sought to unify the land. Whereas Oda sought the eradication of all anthros, Ashikaga saw them as deities and that their removal from the land would bring very bad omens to it.

Kaizen was born in the middle of the great war, before its ending. At the young age of 3, he witnessed his father and mother be slain by a wolf tribe. He was the son of an Jinsamurai who owned the estate he stayed at, and his mother an Native American nomad; whose family traveled to Nippon along with anthros many years prior. The young boy would not remember very much of his parents, only how they were killed, and that they loved him. An Samurai leading a warrior force had come to defend his estate from an invading wolf force, and had taken Kaizen under his wing.

Kaizen had grown to be an feisty young boy. Constantly fighting, getting into trouble, and traveling on his own outside of the safety of his village. He always wanted to be a Samurai warrior, though denied the becoming of it by his adopted father due to his lineage, Kaizen still trained for his dream; day and night. His adopted brothers had taken notice, and also trained him in their samurai ways. As they grew older however, Kaizen and his brothers would find themselves at odds with each other due to their feelings regarding the Anthro people. Whereas his brothers hated them with an passion as well as his adopted father, Kaizen was rather and oddly, indifferent.

Where Kaizens adopted brothers would yell and curse at their fuzzy counterparts, he would show them the respect of an fellow human being, not treating himself as superior. Though his rude attitude would make it hard to believe that at times, that he did not loathe them as animals. He'd find himself at odds plenty of times with an anthro wolf whom he had crossed many times outside of his village. She had beautiful white fur, and yellow eyes. While anthro and human relationships existed, it was an extreme taboo that was usually brought their families shame and dishonor.

Kaizen had soon fallen in love and found out her name. Nayla would soon find herself friends with an human whom she would start to form some very fond feelings for. The only thing keeping the two apart were the knowledge of those whom had relations were treated, and one thing that Kaizen would come to find out much later. For years they had only looked at each others ways, barely acknowledging one another. Then came few words, tail wags, and soon; the heat. When Nayla went in-season, she had avoided her tribe and other males, but had bumped into Kaizen. Kaizen would find himself on the ground, with an snarling, strong, white wolf on top. He thought he was gonna die, though his terror was soon replaced by curiosity as he had licks all over his face; his clothes soon shredded as Nayla succumbed to her nature. ((she fucked his brains out!))

The two would meet an few more times after, both were now young adults. However, their fondness and frequent meetings became noticed by those in both of their family.

All of the sudden, the meetings stopped. Kaizens brothers knew of what he was doing, but did nothing of it and chose to leave him alone. Choosing to distance themselves in silence from him. The young man wondered what happened, even daring to try to seek out her tribes camp. It was there that, he had come to meet her brother, and learn of Naylas fate. Her father was the wolf who had killed his parents many years ago, and he had done the same to her, after finding out she had mated with and became impregnated outside of an arranged marriage; and with that of a human! His father had sent him out to find Kaizen and request an duel to the death. Something in Kaizen died that day upon hearing this news. Stealing his adopted brothers white armor and sword, Kaizen had trained his mind on revenge. Naylas brother agreed to take him to his father, where he laid in wait for Kaizen.

The two had met eyes, and without speaking, knew instantly of the other. Kaizen readied his sword, prepared to die. The huge wolf chieftan roared in anger, yelling how the scurge that was the human race had plagued the land of his forefathers, this land, and now his daughter. The older huge wolf and Kaizen circled, then blows came to be traded. Kaizen would not walk away unscarred, as an matter of fact he was scared out of his wits. He smelled thickly of fear, and the big bad wolf could smell it.

Kaizens armor was shredded, he was on his last legs defending himself as most of his armor was slashed or ripped apart by the huge wolf chieftains claws and fangs. The chieftain had his fill of fun, ready to finish off his prey who had soiled his daughter with his seed, had lept to end Kaizens life like he did his parents, child, and lover. The human fell to his bum, held up his sword, closed his eyes; his face being sprayed with the red blood of the wolf that plunged his mouth on his katana (in an non-sexual matter folks). The false-ronin Kaizen stood, shocked to be alive, and had removed his head. The young man Kaizen carried it out of the camp, to much protest of that of the now new chieftain whom was his son. The chieftains son promised retaliation to Kaizen, whom had the head turned into an hat.

Kaizen had returned home, his brothers armor in shreds and the head of whom he had dueled, freshly dressed on his head. In Kaizens absence, his adopted brothers and father had discussed what happened to him. It was very odd for him to be gone for as long as he was, rumors were brought to light of him smelling very odd lately like that of an dog in heat, and Kaizen being visited the night before by an wolf creature. Watching his adopted son stroll in with the armor he had stolen and the head of the chieftain wolf, was more than enough to confirm his suspicions that Kaizen had bedded a wolf.

Kaizen had expected open welcoming arms with the head he had in tow, and only found himself dishonored. He had requested to take his own life in the ritual suicide known as Seppuku. Kaizen was denied this by his adopted father, and instead, banished from the land of Nippon. The false ronin had found himself running for his life, from those whom were loyal to Naylas father as well as humans who were not happy to know he had fucked a wolf. He would find refuge by very few sympathizers, though he had literally dodged arrows escaping to an coastal town, and stowed away on an boat. That boat would travel all over, and eventually crash into, Spira.

Post boat crash into Spira


Kaizen was found unconscious by an Droxen, Lana Morio, whom nursed him as well as a few others from the wreck. The drox had introduced him to the land of Spira, and the two soon formed a quick friendship. The man with a monkey tail would see that she was a Shaman of some sort, or a druid. He wasn't completely sure, but the man would soon notice that around there was a complete lack of humans, and the wolf head he wore was quickly gaining him a reputation; his temper helped none either.

The man appeared to have plenty wrong with him, lashing out at people, looking for fights. One day he was ambushed by a wolf tribe, due to what he was wearing; they had left him badly wounded, giving him a chance to either depart with the head or his life. He chose to be rid of what would be remembered as a foul memory for him of his long lost love now.


Kaizen had awoken suddenly from the monkey spirit egging at his consciousness. He had a sudden bad feeling in his gut, and his spirit had mentioned a grand battle taking place below Mors Magi island.

Not wanting to miss the opportunity on what he called the ultimate battle, arriving to see many engaging on the evil that was told to be lurking. He dove from the sky, kicking it square in the eye, back flipping and telling everyone to leave.

However, the warriors were as stubborn as he was, throwing everything they had at the creature. When it was defeated, it fell to the grass, and Do'Abhi wrapped vines around it attempting to keep it contained while those who fought, escaped on a boat with Aoi. The human lunged forward noticing the felines magic starting to fade, punching the eyeball repeatedly, and noticing it was starting to glow ominously.

Kaizen would grab the tentacles, and flew into the sky with the beast before it exploded; sacrificing himself to give those who were departing on the boat the precious time they needed to set sail, as the explosion engulfed the island. He would be the hero that would only be remembered by those there, not written in any text, and would be forgotten through time.

As Kaizen awoken, he would be in a place many would say was heaven, seeing his dead partner whom he once loved in Nippon along with their unborn child. Kaizens story ends here.




The book opens once again, and Kaizen has been called to walk the land of the living; his spirit fetched from the heavens, pulled into a body that was reconstructed atom by atom by a strong magical user known as

Astor Elune. The man with a monkey tail wasn't sure who he was or where he was at. As he stood there in the nude, due to literally being reconstructed cell by cell, he'd look at those there and say,"..... who the fuck am I and where the hell am I at?" managing to remember common speak at least. His strength returned to him from before he passed away in Spira though slowly.

It was there that he encountered Arcee, or known as Lana here, once again. The two bonded as friends and soon he found himself tasked with guarding the druid forest as Groundskeeper. As Groundskeeper he kept the peace, albeit disturbing the forest though with his own shenanigans at times. One day walking through the Permian desert, he stumbled upon a toll being held by one whom appeared to be a Queen of a Abyss there. He could have flown over it, but being the hot headed man he was, he thought he'd see what challenge they had in wait!

Kaizen fought bravely with the big demonic gnoll queen, being quick and nimble on his feet; defeating her with his martial arts that he had learned from the land prior from the monkey spirit. She was so impressed in fact, she grabbed ahold of Kaizen and drug him to her home in the Abyss. Once there, he was approached by an another who was a hell hound. The two canines licked and kissed over the man with a monkey tail. Though, he tried hard to fight against it. The queen wasn't pleased and decided to kick him out of her realm; though he left with something in tow.

What followed Kaizen was a demon, and it wanted his body. The two talked, Kaizen could sense his power. It was great, vast, and.... dark. Kaizen would train in a new martial art called the Satsui no Hado. Little did he know, this martial art invited an another demon to take control of his body as he borrowed their power. The more he used it, the more he became susceptible to being possessed. The man with a monkey tail would train with it in the woods one day, when he happened upon a kitsune known as Violet. He would get along with her fairly quickly due to them living in the same homeland; in different dimensions! Though she had a friend nearby who noticed his monkey tail. Upon telling Kaizen about it, he flew off the handles and attacked them.

The fox Kaizen attacked was stuck down by him very quickly, and a grudge would be born within them against the human. It wouldn't be the last time they'd run into each other, and though the fox warned those of the demon within him and that any moment he could become a danger, they didn't listen. Over time, Kaizen would find himself blacking out. He hid this from those close to him, including Violet. Though once he became possessed in front of her, she knew there would be trouble. The kitsune bit onto Kaizens shoulder during a passionate exchange, and left a enchantment to help fight back Akuma when she was in Kaizens presence. It was a valiant effort, though the demon was strong, and Violet being only a 3 tailed kitsune; didn't have the strength at the time to deal with him.

Akuma continued to be a problem, taking over Kaizens body during the Siege of Silver Hold. He'd use his demonic strength to hold the invaders at bay, though only because he wanted to fight. He saw ganging up on one as shameful, and thirsted for a real fight. Eventually, Kaizen would begin to be lost to the demon. One day walking along the desert, Akuma attacked the Old Boughs Arch Druid. The man with a monkey tail defeated her, though she had guards nearby who subdued him in his weakened state. The fox that Kaizen had angered, seemed to have a writ to have him detained, though thankfully Violet was there and offered to help with ousting the demon with him. Akuma still lives, though as a feisty wisp within Violets care. The man with a monkey tail would be nursed back to health by her, and thanked her for her saving his life. He mentioned that he appeared to be indebted to foxes, for she wasn't the first to help vanquish a demon from his soul.

This wouldn't be the last demon either. As Kaizen ventured throughout Permia, the Bough stumbled upon a group of mages trying to collect the corrupted Permian crystal for their own misdeeds. Kaizen and company were able to stop most of the gathering, though they were able to get away with a crystal. As he laid there unconscious with Arcee, they'd find themselves starting to get corrupted. While Arcee began to look more dragon-like, Kaizen started to grow crystals from his body. He became a open door, any demon could walk on in and take him over now. The bigger the crystal got, the easier it made it for them. As he struggled with this new demon, Arcee decided to try to help him with it. The two got very close, and she left a magical bite like Violet once did to try to beat the demon back when it showed it's ugly head.

Through time though, the crystal on Kaizen would increase in size, and an old ghost from the past came hunting for Kaizen. His adopted brother Takana Durai had arrived in Permia, and was looking for his head. Takana would gain infamy for being nearly unbeatable, and soon the two were destined to meet. Kaizen and Takana had a epic battle, though even with Kaizens training in the mystic arts; Takana had bested him, slicing the man with a monkey tail until he bled unconscious. The Samurai kicked his adopted brother down the mountain, leaving him for dead. Kaizen should have died this day.

If it weren't for the Permian crystal, he would have. The crystal allowed a demon called Velius to take control over his body, and transformed it to his liking. The devil kept his body in pristine condition; save for turning his skin red, his teeth gold, and making him grow horns out of his head. Claiming Kaizens name for his own, and telling everyone; the man they knew was dead. He was now, Devil Kaizen.

As plague took over Permia, the devil would flee for years. Using Kaizens body to do his nasty deeds across the realms.


Spira chapter part 2
