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Additional Note: Every T3 class has an average damage ‘signature’ ability. I.E. Smite on Paladin, Magic Missile on Wizard, etc. Elemental attunements change this to an elemental version of this. I.E. ‘Fire Missile’, the Profession subclasses replace this skill with their own skill, and shifters replace it with ‘Shift’ which allows them to turn into a different class with unique abilities. Every T2 class loses a relevant weak damage ability. The T0/civilian/crafter classes do NOT lose an ability. Adventurer is unconfirmed.

Elemental Attunements

Elemental Attunements: Note, all Attunements replace one of your class skills (or add one for peasant/village) with an elementally themed ability that uses traits appropriate for your class. I believe this is a average damage for most classes, and adds a weak for peasant/villager

Attunement ACC CHA CON DEX FOC FTH INT STR WIS Physical Blunt Pierce Slash Magic Air Arcane Dark Fire Light Nature Water Eva Physical Eva Magical
Nature 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 -20 30 2 3
Fire 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 30 -20 1 4
Water 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 -20 2 30 4 1
Air 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 30 2 -20 4 1
Arcane 1 2 2 -9 -9 -9 5 2 30 1 2 2 2 2 5
Dark 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 30 -20 1 4
Light 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 -20 30 1 4

Prestige Subclasses

Prestige Subclasses: Note, Professions all have a unique skill that replaces (or adds for peasant/village) an existing skill As well as add unique abilities unique to them. This replaces a medium damage ability that is signature to the class (I.E. not a STR/DEX one on a wizard.)


CHA +1 Evasion: Magical +1 Skills Pocket Sand: Applies Blinded ( -10 Accuracy),

Weak potency, piercing, physical,

dexterity based. 15 FP

Improved Shadow Veil

Pickpocket improvement

Able to use Lockpicks.

Improved Inspect check.

DEX +3 Evasion: Physical +4
FTH -2 Resist magic +1
STR +3 Resist Air +1
Resist Dark +3
Resist Nature +2
Resist Physical +4
Resist Blunt +3
Resist Piercing +3
Resist Slashing +3


STR-2 Evasion: Magical +4 Skills Patch Up (30FP average heal, Scales with highest attribute

between FTH, INT, WIS, CHA)

Medkit usage. (Medkits heal 100% of HP and can

cure people from 0HP, affects them with strong debuff)

FTH +2 Evasion: Physical +1
INT +2 Resist Magic +4
WIS +2 Resist Air +2
CHA +2 Resist Arcane +3
Resist Dark +3
Resist Fire +2
Resist Light +4
Resist Nature +2
Resist Water +2
Resist Physical +1
Resist Blunt -1
Resist Piercing -1
Resist Slashing -1


CHA -1 Evasion: Magical +2 Skills Boltcaster: Average Potency, Piercing, Physical,

Dexterity-Based. 25FP

Dart Gun Usage

DEX +2 Evasion: Physical +3
INT +2 Resist Magic +2
WIS +2 Resit Arcane +3
Resist Fire +3
Resist Physical +3
Resist Blunt +3
Resist Piercing +3
Resist Slashing +3


CHA +1 Evasion: Magical +3 Skills ???
DEX +3 Evasion: Physical +2
STR +3 Resist Air +3
FTH -1 Resist Arcane -3
INT -1 Resist Dark +3
Resist Fire +3
Resist Light +3
Resist Water +3
Resist Physical +2


SHIFTERS: All shifters shift between a generic, but debuffed form that looks like any other player, this is ‘unshifted’, then they may shift. When you become a shifter you choose an alignment, EVIL, GOOD or NEUTRAL. GOOD/EVIL Get +5 to PHYS and MAGIC resist. RED Shifts auto consent to PVP, BLUE shifts cannot initiate PVP without provocation, (like being threatened) YELLOW shifts are clearly ‘off’ but have no other special rules. Additionally they get a themed set of skills to use.


Attribute Unshifted Shifted Skills
CON -2 2 Weak Mend

(Weak Heal, Light, Magical, FTH 20FP)


(Average Heal, Light, Magical, FTH 35FP)


(Strong Heal POSSIBLE 3x multi target weak heals, Light, Magical, FTH 70FP Cost CANNOT target self.


(Weak Damage, Light, Magical, FTH, 10FP)


(Average Damage, Light, Magical, FTH, 30FP)


(Increase +5 Physical and magical evasion, +15 Luck (Light, Magical, FTH, 30FP)

DEX -1 0
INT -3 -2
FTH 2 6
STR -1 2
Evasion magical 0 3
Evasion Physical -5 2
Resist Magic 0 3
Resist Arcane -1 0
Resist Dark -5 -2
Resist Fire 0 1
Resist Light 0 5
Resist Nature 0 1
Resist water 0 2
Resist Physical -5 2
Resist Blunt -3 2
Resist Piercing -3 2
Resist Slashing -3 2


Attribute Unshifted Shifted Skills
CHA 0 1 Dark Burst

(Average Damage, Dark, Magical, INT, 30FP)


(-5 Physical and Magical Evasion, Luck -15, Dark, Magical, INT, 20FP)


(Strong Damage, Heals Self for 33% of damage dealt, Dark, Hybrid, INT 55FP)

Void Strike

(Weak Damage, Dark, Hybrid, STR, 10FP)

Dark Bolt

(Weak Damage, Dark, Magical, INT based)

Void Slam

(Average Damage, Dark, Hybrid, STR 30FP)

CON -2 2
INT 0 5
DEX -1 0
FTH -1 -4
STR -1 4
Evasion magical -2 3
Evasion Physical -3 2
Resist Magic -2 3
Resist Arcane -1 3
Resist Dark 0 5
Resist Fire 0 3
Resist Light -5 -2
Resist Nature 0 0
Resist water 0 0
Resist Physical -3 2
Resist Blunt -3 2
Resist Piercing -3 2
Resist Slashing -3 2


Attribute Unshifted Shifted Skills
CON -2 4 Restore

(Average Heal, Nature, magical, WIS, 35FP)


(Weak Heal, Moderate HoT, Nature, Magical, WIS, 35FP HIGH ACC)


(Increase CON by 5 and heals 50 health, Nature, Hybrid, WIS, SELF ONLY, HIGH ACC, 40 FP)

Rock Punch

(Weak Damage, Nature, Hybrid, STR, 10 FP)

Sticky Vines

(Average Damage, -10 Physical and Magical Evasion, Nature, Hybrid, WIS, 40FP)

Fae Smite

(Average Damage, Arcane, Magical, WIS, 30FP)

DEX -2 -2
WIS 0 4
STR 0 2
Evasion magical -4 0
Evasion Physical -1 5
Resist Magic -4 0
Resist Arcane -1 1
Resist Air 0 0
Resist Dark 0 1
Resist Fire -5 -1
Resist Light 0 1
Resist Nature 0 1
Resist water 0 1
Resist Physical -1 5
Resist Blunt -3 4
Resist Piercing -3 4
Resist Slashing -3 4


Attribute Unshifted Shifted Skills
CHA -2 -1 Weaken Mind*

(Magic Evade -20 -2INT, Dark, Magical, INT, 20FP)

Ruin Mind

(INT -5 Weak Damage, Dark, Magical, INT, 15FP)


(Strong Damage, Dark, Magical, INT, 45 FP)

Shadow Cut

(Weak Damage, Dark, Hybrid, DEX based, 10FP)

Dark Bolt

(Weak Damage, Dark, Magic, INT based, 10FP)

Vital Stab

(Weak Damage, Moderate DoT for 3 rounds, Piercing, Physical, DEX, 25 FP)

*Check if this is actually magic resistance instead of evade.

CON -2 1
DEX 0 4
FTH -1 -2
INT 0 6
STR 0 -2
WIS 0 2
Evasion magical -2 4
Evasion Physical -4 1
Resist Magic -1 4
Resist Arcane -1 4
Resist Air 0 4
Resist Dark 0 4
Resist Fire 0 4
Resist Light -5 -3
Resist Nature 0 0
Resist water 0 0
Resist Physical -4 1
Resist Blunt -3 1
Resist Piercing -3 1
Resist Slashing -3 1


Attribute Unshifted Shifted Skills
CON -2 1 Remedy

(Weak Heal, Arcane, Magical, WIS 20 FP)


(Average Heal, Arcane, magical, WIS 35FP)

Mage Armor

(Increase physical resistance 20 points, Arcane, Magical, INT based, 30 FP)

Fae Bolt

(Weak Damage, Nature, Magical, WIS 10 FP)

Fae Smite

(Average Damage, Arcane, magical, WIS, 30 FP)

Sharp Mind

(Increase INT by 3 and Magic resistance by 10, Arcane, magical, WIS, 20 FP)

DEX -1 0
INT 0 3
STR -3 -1
WIS 1 5
Evasion magical -2 3
Evasion Physical -3 2
Resist Magic -2 3
Resist Arcane -3 2
Resist Air 0 2
Resist Dark 0 2
Resist Fire 0 2
Resist Light 0 2
Resist Nature 0 2
Resist water 0 3
Resist Physical -3 2
Resist Blunt -4 0
Resist Piercing -4 0
Resist Slashing -4 0


Attribute Unshifted Shifted Skills
CHA 0 -1 Slash

(Average Damage, Slashing, Physical, DEX, 30FP)


(Average Potency, Blunt, Physical, STR, 30fp)


(Restore 30FP, 4 hr cooldown, nature, hybrid, DEX, 0FP)


(Weak Damage, Piercing, Physical, DEX, 10FP)


(Weak Damage, Blunt, Physical, STR, 10FP)


(Weak Damage, -3 Dex, -3 Physical Evasion, Slashing, Physical, DEX 30FP)

CON -2 2
DEX 0 5
INT -2 -2
STR -1 3
WIS 0 1
Evasion magical -4 1
Evasion Physical -1 4
Resist Magic -4 1
Resist Arcane -1 0
Resist Air 0 1
Resist Dark -1 1
Resist Fire -3 1
Resist Light -1 1
Resist Nature 0 0
Resist water 0 1
Resist Physical -1 4
Resist Blunt -3 3
Resist Piercing -3 3
Resist Slashing -3 3





Draconic Shifter

It appears Draconic shifter is not as dramatic as I thought it could be only changing elements of attacks.

Draconic Attribute Unshifted Shifted Skills FIRE DRAGON SKILLS:

Flame Bolt (Weak, Fire, Magical, INT, 10FP)

Fireball (Average Damage, Fire, magical, INT, 30FP)

Breath (Strong Damage, Wild, hybrid, INT, 45 FP)

(changes damage based upon attunement)

Claw (Weak Damage, Slashing, Physical, STR, 10FP)

Bite (Average Damage, Piercing, Physical ,STR, 30FP)

Attune (Lets you change your element type.)

CHA -2 -2
CON -2 2
DEX -2 0
STR 1 3
INT 0 4
WIS 0 1
Evasion magical -3 2
evasion physical -2 3
Reist magic -3 2
Resist air 0 1
Resist Arcane -5 2
Resist Dark 0 1
Resist fire 0 1
Resist Light 0 1
Resist Nature 0 1
Resist Water 0 1
Resist Physical -2 3
Resist Blunt -3 3
Resist Piercing -4 1
Resist slashing -3 3


Thanks to Madrona “WereScrib” Shchurika for collecting the data!