Scroll of Pirates Code

From Spira - Second Life Roleplay
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[The text is somewhat faded, the scroll itself seems to have been treated with little care, the name of the gang has been scratched away only a large paw can still be seen at the bottom as an imprint and an S. as signature].

What does it mean to be a --------?

I: No infighting with other crewmates.

II: All who want to join the -------- are expected to successfully complete a task given to them before they are accepted. This is non-negotiable.

III: Do not abandon your crewmates. Marooners of the -------- will be dealt with accordingly.

IV: Do not violate the Fire and Fang accord.

V: Do not re-strike the same mark if they agree to pay for safe passage under the  -------- flag. If you do so, put on yee mask and do not bring up yee  -------- name! If you get found out, it's on yee ass!

VI: Do not backstab, harm with intent or steal from your crew mates in any way. Doing so will be considered breaking code and will be dealt with accordingly.

VII: In the underground, when we strike someone under the  -------- flag for safe passage, we are required to keep track via a record. If you rob someone, we want the name, a small description, and the date so we can keep track of it.

VIII: A weekly password will be kept on --------- Base Board, along with a list of individuals who have paid and prepaid for safe passage. When you stop someone who you don't recognize on the list, and they somehow give the correct password; detain them. We're going to question how they got it, who they got it from, and deal with it from there. The password will be reset every Tuesday.

IX: A pirate oath with your name will be given, promising that if you do leave the faction, even if it's to go to one of those in the fire and fang accord; will be dealt with.

X: Enslaving is allowed in our group, should someone consent to it. Our slaves are to be gathering/crafting focused. Though sex is always a nice bonus; them being a slave should be focused on non-sexual tasks, unless it's to escort in the bath house or the red light district by the hospital. You can have up to 3 in captivity at a time individually, anymore than that should go to a slave master to be assigned to a task. The Slave Master role is not a Harem one, and it's expected that your 3 slaves not be considered 'wives or partners' but as property that does tasks. Enslavement should be temporary, but can be permanent if they choose to be. They will always have the option to flee or leave.

Marooning, mutiny, and treason will all be grounds for being exiled and hunted by the --------. Violations of the code will be handled case by case.
