Feed Me

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The Beginning

Chompy, Acting Chief Botanist

You can find the NPC on the upper level of Ren'Takal in the garden right next to the Hunter quest. There you can find the carnivorous plant.

The Hungry Plant

You lock your eyes with a strange plant that seems to wiggle and dance to get your attention.

Without much notice it seems to stop moving around too much, and instead opens what appears to be it's mouth.

-> Hello ->Poke mouth (Chance to get HP-Damage)

You lock your eyes with a strange plant that seems to wiggle and dance to get your attention. Without much notice it seems to stop moving around too much, and instead opens what appears to be it's mouth.


Nice to meet you Playername. I have just the perfect job for a complete stranger such as yourself - if you're interested...


Oh fun! As you can see, I'm somewhat rooted here.

Behind the Tavern?

Could you be a friend and pull a little chunk or a finger and feed it to me?



Perfect! Don't forget, grab me a tasty bit of that body over there.


Feed it? Or not!

The Dead Body for Chompy - Surprime Meat

You've found a corpse that seems to have been around for quite some time.

Do you try to snatch a piece for Chompy?


As you manage to pull off decent chunk of the corpse for Chompy a strange coin seems to roll on the ground.

It seems to be magically enchanted as nearly looking at it lets you know that this corpse is that of Seymour, the Chief Botanist.

It looks like you can just give Chompy the piece of flesh, or report this to the Overseer in the Town Hall.


You can now go to Overseer and tell him about it or get the plant the meat. If you do the first one, the plant will not talk to you for a while and you will have to apologize to it.

Feeding way


Chompy seems to wiggle excitedly as you approach it, opening their maw wide waiting for a snack.

->Toss it in

The plant quickly gobbles up the piece of flesh.

'Oh yes, that hit the spot!

Just the right amount of hostile work environment to make my tummy no longer rumbly!'


That was amazing!

Hey, can you... well... give a plant a few minutes to deal with some things.

If you talk to me again in a bit I'll teach you someting neat!


You get 1 EXP and 100 shards for this Mission