Obscure Necromancy Vol.2

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I know what you're thinking!

Having done all the necromancy of beasts to humans! Why not try something new! Looking in my book are you!?

Well....well! In my last years of age I tried something completely silly! And that was to raise an abomination from the dead!

I call these Obscure Raising! Because only a fool would attempt them!

One key ingredient is to use brain fluid. Yes! From a living brain! Not the dead ones, it has to be siphoned out from a living subject!

Used in Eldritch monsters, the typical mindflayer corpse is rare to find, but one way to resurrect them is to have the corpse feed on living brain tissue. Normally these creatures are complex and dangerous as even in death they possess mind altering magic.

An undead mindflayer will respond to the necromancer that gives them the brain fluid. Soaking their bodies with it will keep them fresh for a while. Its unknown why this extra step is needed, but maybe it is has something to do with falsely tricking their flesh that victims are nearby.

Mindflayer corpses may contain memories of past events though, depending on the decomposition! So be careful if you bring back one that likes your brains!

Another fun obscure raising is of strange sentient octopus

A long century ago when I was an apprentice, my warlock friend dragged a being from the other world, a gigantic sentient octopus that could speak and was extremely hostile. When my friend was eaten I fled the mansion, only to come back in my old age and find the corpse of this monster still intact, but very dessicated.

Revitalizing a creature like this took much effort, bathing it in fluids even I couldn't understand. It took months before I could use my magic and bring back some fleshy parts of it, but sadly not all of its beautiful functions could. Still it was good research! I implore you when you run into creatures like these, value the research of necromancy in them!