Various Ships: Active Class

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A book about ship classes, written by Montague, this explains the ships around Spira that are still known.

Many shipwrecks of unknown classes lie on the ocean floor. It was the help of many that could breathe underwater that these ships were classified. This book details the known ones that still roam the seas.


A Pinnace is a small ship, its mostly used for fishing. This ship houses little people, but it is a fast ship. Most small ships have different sails compared to the medium class, so the Pinnace can be identified by its mast being large. Its not a ship for fighting, and the sloop outclasses it in all manners.


A sloop is the most used ship in the Spiran sea. Speedy and quite dangerous, not all sloops are the same. Some are customized for the various role they do. Some trade, others are for raiding. What matters is that any starting crew often finds themselves with a sloop, and survival often is high with such a fast ship. The Sloop has the same large masts as the Pinnace.


The barque is the next larger ship of the small ship line. It is more slower but used for trade. Barques often are fishing and trading ships, their usage has also been seen in piracy. When comparing a sloop to a Barque, the Barque will often be able to defeat a sloop. But the Barque may not handle large ships and it has slower speed.


A Ketch is the last ship in the small ships line. Ketches have the same masts as the ones smaller than it, and is used as a smuggler ship. Ketches have seen uses in all sorts of roles in Spira. Merchantmen ships often can be Barques and Ketches, which make them prime targets for raiding. Unfortunately the Ketch is outclassed by the Brig.




One of the early types of ships in kingdoms exploring the seas. The Carrack in Spira is a classification for lightly armed medium ship. Nothing special about it, but can be used for many purposes. If exploring, the Carrack is the ideal ship.


The Brig is the all rounder and medium sized ship of Spira. Often raiders and organized pirates will use brigs to great extent. Their speed and versatility as well as ability to gang up on bigger ships make them best for use in most areas. A Brig will often be able to survive the full volley of a Galleon, and their speed can allow them to escape.



A Frigate is a direct upgrade to the Brig. Speedy and small, its a dangerous ship because of its firepower. Frigates are used by the most established of militaries. However it is rare to see in Spira.


A Galleon is one of the most dangerous ships in Spiran seas. While there are many types of Galleons, the typical galleon can hurt and tank damage. Its hull is heavy, its guns are varied. Trade Galleons will be hull focused, but its cannons are a deterrent. War Galleons though, are designed to use Full Volleys, short range attacks that blow up ships in close range. When seeing a Galleon, most flee the scene, unless the intent is to capture one.


A ship that is rarely seen or heard of. Very few people have seen such a ship, and sightings of it often mean many steer clear. No one knows much about the nations that control Ships of the Line, or if they are from Spira, but their sightings often are related to sieges of small Spiran nations who somehow manage to get their control of one. When a Ship of the Line appears on the horizon, its best to avoid them at all cost.