All Around the Spira

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At the beginning you have to go to Foxsong Haven. There is a fox sitting on a box called Curious Fox. You have to talk to him at the beginning.

Beginning, Foxsong Haven

The strange fox seems to glare at you with curiosity, sniffing at the air in your direction.

Curious Fox NPC in Foxsong Haven

'Hey, hey you.


'Hmm... Y'er new. Gotta name?'

My name is...


'Huh... Neat.'

'Alright, so... I got a lot of stuff to say, and if you interupt me, I'll start over until I'm done.'

'So make sure you're payin' attention, okay?'

'Are you ready now, or do you want to come back later?'



'I'd like to properly welcome you to Foxsong Haven's Dockyard!'

'Folk here seem to love loud noises, so they named the place after the songs of my kin.'

'Wonderful isn't it'?

Let me just borrow your eyes for a moment and...

My what?

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'This is the view, ain't it?

'Don't move too much, don't want your eyes ploppin' out.'

'Now, you see that market down there? Open space, tents and the likes? That's where you learn to craft and gather.'


'There's a house ontop of the forge with a lady called 'Red' there. She'll teach you how to craft.'

'You can find a few other folk scattered around that'll show ya how to gather too.'

'It's worth payin' a visit to the hospital so you can learn about healing and getting your fighting power too.'

'Just look for a skull with an eye on things.'


'All the way on top of the mountain is the town hall.'

'You can learn about factions and other stuff up there.'

'That tower close to it is where the Emerald Guards are.'

'Careful, when you're in town you're under their law. Make sure to not cause too much trouble'

'You can always stealth to avoid'em.'


'The woods near the town are interesting, careful about going off the road of adventuring too deep.'

'Any concept of fairness is out of the window if you're too deep.'

'If you're ever worried, you can always check your map. Everyone that arrives at Foxsong Haven gets a free map, I shove it in their inventory every time.'


'Finally, don't forget about boats! There's one small one on the docks you can touch that'll get you a quick way to travel to other boats once you find them.' 'Always touch boats.'

That's all?

'Well, that's all from me!'

'There's a lot more to explore, different places too.

'You should travel through the sewers right there, and talk to a merchant in there.'

'She likes to hang upside down for some odd reason.'

'Through the sewers, in the big room with nasty water, have fun!'


Talk with Clauddine in the Sewer

Clauddine NPC in the Sewer

'Why hello there. You're Kugoti Tempest.'

The inverted woman twitches a bit, smiling oddly as you stand before her.

'Name'sss Clauddine', and I might sssell you a thing or two in the future.

'But for now... Your friend asssked that I sshow you around.

Just like the fox, I ssay a lot.




'I'm sssure you don't mind me just... making thisss pop out here and...'

Clauddine wiggles in an odd way a you suddenly see a fuzzy creature behind you.

'Thosse traderss are everywhere. Quite ussseful too.'

'You can talk to them to learn more, but they'll give you potionss to let you gather more.'

Not again!

((Focus Camera View))

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'They'll alsssoo buy any extra ssstuff you have, and sssell some ssstuff too.'

If you go from here, to the fuzzy creature, and make a right, you'll sssoon find yoursself where quessstionable folk go.'


'Down that alley, you'll find a gecko that leadsss the thievess here.'

'Keep going down and you'll get to a tavern full of dangerousss folk.'

'Crafting down here is a bit different. In the tavern you can butcher and cook, theress even an alchemy ssstation.'

Clossse to the thief you'll find scribe and jeweler stationss.'


'And thiss big room behind me, you'll find everything elssse.'

'If you're ssssmelting, don't forget to fill in the furnace too!'

The woman tilts her head to the door next to her.

'Head down here, then make a right to get to Al'Naim.'

'After the greenssskin trussts you, she'll tell you more.'


Al'Naim, Sexy Grunty waits for you!

Sexy Grunty NPC in Al'Naim


I see Clauddine sent you my way.

Would you like to learn more about the world?

What can I do you for-erm I mean what can I do for you today?



Well, you know how it goes.

Ready to hear me talk for a long long time?


I knew you were a smart cupcake.

You're in the open city of Al'Naim, formerly the cavern city of Al'Naim, and before that the desert oasis of Al'Naim.

This place has been through some things.

You'll want to be careful with who rules this city. I don't pay much attention, since folk don't mind me... But it can be dangerous.


There are times where one can gain control over it, and influence the rules and laws within it, within reason.

Although there's something even stranger in this place.

See that door over there? Just floating on the edge of the cliff?

Here... Let me just...

Oh no...

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There are doors out of place that lead to 'the Void'.

Well, a safe place in it with a strange trader-person that sells a lot of neat stuff.

You'll want to talk to him at some point sweetie.


That's all I really have for ya.

Now you'll want to make your way to a tavern in Somweyr and speak to R'Zahr about Jobs - An ebony Khajiit that runs the place.

You can get there by going back through that grove with the crystal tree, and continue walking in that direction, past a cliff with some netting, and into the ruins.

Best of luck!


Somweyr, R'Zahr has some Jobs

R'Zahr NPC in Somweyr Tavern

Click on R'Zahr, in the menu press Jobs and then Learn, then the quest continues.

R'Zahr is ready for long conversation. You be too.

First thing R'Zahr will share, is work. Every week you can do jobs at R'Zahr, or other people, like Tavia if you deal in shadows.

You can do three jobs a week, and get paid in shards for them.

If you don't like work, R'Zahr wants to share fishing with you.


R'Zahr thinks you should wait before learning fishing secret.

Instead R'Zahr will talk about carts. They are everywhere in Spira. You can use them to travel places for a fee.

If take them back to back, R'Zahr is sad to inform you they can get pricy. It's best to wait between uses, unless you get a Cart License from Void Trader.


R'Zahr will now talk about the fishing stuff.

If you don't want to work for R'Zahr, or anyone, you can talk to the panda at the docks in Somweyr, and they will pay you a full week of work if you fish for them.

R'Zahr thinks this is lazy and cheap, but R'Zahr also is not the boss of you.


R'Zahr thinks you should go looking for the panda.

Okay bye

Somweyr, Fishmonger wants fish?

Fishmonger NPC in Somweyr

Well... This won't be as long as the others at least.

R'Zahr told you about what he calls the no work, lazy folk's way to a profit fishing bucket, right? Well, they're the ones on this dock.

You'll have to buy a rod from me first. Just ask me about fishing and I'll tell you more about it if you don't already know.


It does use some gathering points, but you can get those back from getting a free potion from those fuzzy merchants that keep wanting shards.

I heard from the weird creature through the doors that sometimes shards are souls or something. You should talk to him to learn tings.

OH! There's a boat here too, touch the boat if you didn't already.


That's about it really.

There is a mighty dragon on top of that tall island over there, near the ruins.

I heard they have the power to change where you first appear when you come to Spira, you should talk to them next.

Okay bye

Somweyr, The Mightiest Dragon

The Mightiest Dragon NPC in Somweyr

Aha! Finally!

You've come to bask in my greatness? Perfect!

Those who've sent you hear should've prepared you for my monologue. Are you ready to begin?


Good, good.

You are wise, almost as wise as me, for I am the wisestestest.

Now, I only have one thing to tell you about for now, maybe I'll have more later.

But now, it's time to learn about the Shifter's Void Runes, like that one over there!


((Focus Camera View))

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Those strange runes, there are four of them in Spira. Each one lets you get closer to the void.

But the Shifter also uses them to watch us.

Strange fellow, you should say hi. He lives in an orange prism in the Void.


Now the good stuff.

You listened to a lot of people, and been at a lot of places, not as many as me, but still a lot.

I have the power to make one your home - the place you first go to when you come to Spira.

Any preferences?

Oh, have a small blessing too.



Void Market



No change

Depending on your choice, a short description of the place and the question if you are sure. If you say yes, then you are done.

Your new home has been set to choosen Place!

Aren't I amazing?

Choose, any button works

The Mightiest Dragon looks at your with disgust. ''Simp.''
