On Lesser Archfey

From Spira - Second Life Roleplay
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It is common to know that the Archfey Titania and Oberon created Somweyr and most of the life on this plane. But little do others know of the fey that came here attracted by their familiar energy.

These lesser fey came to Spira and some have been around for thousands of years. During the time of the veil though, and the separation of Spira from other places, the troubles of the veil caused many a fey unable to come back.

We will detail in this book, the known dead fey and forgotten fey which unlike ones that are still alive have no more influence or have been lost to time.

Some are not fey, but considered to be faeiries, which may or may not be correct.


A fey that was feared among many. This fey or archfey represents death itself. It is an archfey that is full of anger and grief that its unknown how it got to this world.

Dullahan has never been sighted over a thousand years though, but some say the headless knights and revived wicked are a sign its powers still remain around.

Fear Dearg

A fey that wears a red coat and hat, known as the fey of trickery. His tricks though often harm and can even mortally maim people involved. Its unknown if this fey exists in Spira anymore but some say that he is dead.


An unknown fey, mentioned in a few books and texts, there is little information about Mab or its origin. Its usage was no longer around by the time of a few centuries ago.


An archfey queen, similar in power to Titania. This archfey has never been recorded to exist in Spira, and continues to be an enigma among scholars trying to understand who this fey is or where she came from. Its believed Aine does not exist in Spira, which makes things confusing why her name appears in some islands.


Supposedly a race of dwarfs, its unknown if they are fey, duergar seems to relate to dwarfs but in a more darker alignment. These dwarves have been seen but its unknown if they still exist in Spira. Possibly the leader of this is named Duergar.

Cat Sith

A dangerous cat, a mischevious one. Said to be a very unusual fey. Its associated with many tales but has rarely been seen.


A fey that was associated with reaping. Cann is the fey of comfort whom he was said to bring happiness to those knocking at the reaper's gate. Believed to be dead, according to most mages due to the lack of sightings in a very long time.