Titles and Colors

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One thing that often confuses people is their relation to other players and what they see when interacting. We’ll go down the list of things that are often not immediately apparent.

Title Color

There are Four Titler colors that are widely available and one unique one, it should be noted that your character should understand what these mean implicitly as they are not secret, they are things every person can detect immediately. A color beyond white is a special state that is instantaneously viewable and understandable to a person.


What all people who are not either wanted, or unable to hide their nature currently are. White have their nature not on full display to the world, they can be as supernatural or as unnatural as could be, (as shifters can unshift into one) and be such even without the titler, but a titler is something that cannot hide or alter its nature whilst in that form. Whites are capable of being anything or anyone.


A blue Titler is someone who has become a Shifter, is shifted into their alternate form, and is unable to hide a nature of GOOD and PASSIVITY. They may be terrifying but you generally understand they are not immediately hostile. They are not neutral and passive, nor are they evil and passive. They are both Good and Passive. There are special RP restrictions that prevent them from being the aggressors unless severely provoked. They can defend others or themselves, but cannot otherwise engage in violence and assault. Anyone near a Blue titler should understand they are not innately aggressive beings. They are gentle but perhaps dangerous, beings that could defend others and themselves but would never bring harm otherwise.


Yellow is someone who has become a shifter, is shifting into their alternate form and is unable to hide their nature of NEUTRALITY and their WARY nature. There is no roleplay restriction on yellow titlers, but they are not something you implicitly want around. ‘Wary’ means that their nature is something unsettling, wrong, or dangerous. A bear that enters into your home and eats your child is not evil, but it is dangerous. A fairy that kills someone for spitting off the wrong side of a bridge is not evil, they follow strange unspoken rules of reality. But they are not something you want nearby. A ghost that haunts and destroys and leaves scratches on you at night may not be evil, but they are definitely dangerous.


Red titlers are either someone who has become a shifter, is shifting into their alternate form and is unable to hide their nature of EVIL and HOSTILITY, or someone mundane who is BOASTING, an action that makes them constantly dangerous, hostile and violent. They are able to be fought at uneven odds and auto-consent to any combat, as they radiate malice and wrath. A red titler is implicitly dangerous, hostile and up to no good. For an evil shifter, they are beasts like werewolves or demons in folklore, foul entities bent only on bringing harm to others. A red shifter is the standard ‘monster’ of a fantasy novel. They are the Uruk’Hai of Lord of the Rings, the Darkspawn of Dragon Age and the Deadites in Evil Dead.


A bit of a unique case as it is associated purely with EXTREME bounties (Set by NPCs) or by someone designated a ‘public menace’ in which they are so notorious and hated (this is set by a supermajority vote between all faction leaders) that everyone in Spira knows their identity. A Purple titler has special combat changes, they can only attempt to flee combat once, they can get 3v1 odds in their disfavor, and even if people run to their support it remains a 2v1. There is nothing in purple saying anything about morality, while not likely, someone could be given a menace for being so obnoxiously good everyone cannot stand them or a bounty placed by someone who targets less lawful sorts and is set by less good aligned NPCs for ‘disrupting business’ or somesuch.



Thanks to Madrona “WereScrib” Shchurika for collecting the data!