Combat Rules

From Spira - Second Life Roleplay
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Please make sure to read the following before entering in combat!

Spira Combat Rules

These rules should be followed to avoid unnecessary conflict.


     This document is intended to help define proper procedures for combat, Spira’s fair combat guidelines, and other frequently asked questions by defining the default rules for combat within the Spira Roleplay Sim. Alternative methods and combat rules are allowed only when all participants agree. Should the parties engaging in confrontation with each other disagree on how combat should proceed, this document will serve as the default to follow.

Step 1 - Consent

Before combat is initiated, consent must be provided by all participating parties. This does not have to be “verbal” PvP (Player Versus Player) consent and may be implied consent. PvP consent can be any of the following:

  • Direct PvP Consent (“Would it be ok if I attacked your character with mine?”).
  • Insulting the character continuously (small jabs or one-off comments are NOT consent).
  • Threatening a character with implied harm (again, small jabs or one-off comments are NOT consent).
  • Threatening another character with direct harm (any implication).
  • Performing an action that would force the other character to defend themselves (throwing objects at them, cutting a chandelier cord, placing traps in their near vicinity, etc.).
  • Casting a buff, healing skill, or using an item on oneself erroneously.
  • Shifting into any form, as this counts as a buff.
  • Having a Purple (Bounty/Menace) or Red (Hostile/Enraged) titler.

Once PvP consent has been given either directly or indirectly, combat may commence.

Step 2 - Initiative Phase

In the initiative phase, asking OOCly who will be joining the combat scene is considered appropriate to avoid any misunderstanding. Those not in the combat scene should RP fleeing or standing by so combat may resolve.

Once each party has its combatants, the initiative should be rolled by utilizing the HUD > Combat Menu > Initiative.

The pop-up menu will have multiple options for rolling initiative with descriptions. Please select the one that best applies to your combat scenario.

NOTE: It is not acceptable to use a health or Focus Point reset node before or during combat unless allowed or agreed upon by all those engaged in combat.

Step 3 - Combat Phase

In the combat phase, each participant will receive one action. This action can be any of the following actions:

  • Making a basic attack.
  • Using a class or shifting skill.
  • Taking a consumable.
  • Using a check (Charm, Seduce, etc…).
  • Attempting to flee.
  • Shifting forms.
  • Summoning pets.
  • Interacting with an object (Opening a door, lifting a table, etc.).

Please remember that combat can take time. The HUD will perform all calculations and damages. We ask you to please keep posts concise to eliminate large walls of text during combat encounters.

Note on Movement and Range: Movement and range are not part of Spira’s combat system. We kindly ask you to use reasonable RP posts for your character's actions. So long as you are in the scene, you may be attacked in any fashion and likewise can attack anyone else.

Step 4 - Combat Resolution

Once combat has ended in either every member of one party falling to 0 HP, one party surrendering, or one party fleeing successfully, the combat is considered resolved. Should the fairness rule be enacted, any characters that sided with the losing party but were unable to participate must either flee the scene or automatically consent to the adjudication of the victors (capture, knock out, etc.).

The consequences of losing a fight may be getting captured, knocked unconscious, being forced to leave, or any other pre-agreed-upon condition. At NO TIME may another character engage in sexual actions or kill your character without your consent, and likewise, you may NOT force a victor to kill you. This falls under the rules of godmodding. Those two scenarios would require consent from both parties.

Note on Looting: Currently, Spira does not support looting other players. This may change in the future, and this document will be updated in the event the staff feels the need to define “looting” as an appropriate action once combat resolves. As of now, any and all looting must be given consent from both parties.

Note on Capture: Should your character be captured as part of the consequences, you are not obligated to stay in the area if your captors are not roleplaying with you. A captor that is roleplaying with you may not hold you captured for more than 1 hour in real-time without active roleplay. If you log out, you are considered captured until the time you log in, or 1 hour passes, whichever is longer. Please review the standard sim rules regarding basic and advanced captures, as well as White Knighting.

Combat-Related Rules

Combat Fairness Rule - Fights must be fair (1:1 ratio) unless consent from the defending party is given during the consent phase. If the defending party has allies nearby/in the scene, they also may not jump in unless the aggressor gives consent for them to do so if it would put the aggressor at a disadvantage.

Aggressors Folly Rule - Should an aggressor incite or attack (give PVP consent to) a group of individuals, the group itself may defend the target of the aggressor. This will bypass the Combat Fairness and Passive Consent rules. Please see Step 1 - Consent to verify what a PvP Consent would be. Please note that an aggressor auto-consents to a basic capture if it's requested should they be defeated.

Faction Defense Rule - If combat is occurring inside a faction base, any faction member that belongs to the base may jump in to defend their base or aid one of the sides and bypass the Combat Fairness and Passive Consent rules. You may not use multiple accounts/Multi-boxing to gain an advantage.

Multi-boxing Rule - You may not use an additional account to gain combat advantage on someone either in defense or aggressing.

Hostile Consent Rule (red-colored titler) - If you are shifted into a form that is considered hostile or if you're actively boasting, you automatically consent to PvP at all times. While shifted, the character is not protected by the Spira Combat Fairness Rule and may be attacked at a disadvantage (1:2 ratio only). However, individuals may join in defending a hostile creature under the Aggressors Folly Rule.

Passive Consent Rule (blue-colored titler) - If you are shifted into a form that is considered passive, you cannot engage in hostile actions or be an aggressor in any combat situation. You may defend yourself, or aid others should the Aggressors Folly Rule apply to the scene. Please note that you can be aggressive while not shifted, and you can shift mid-combat by taking 1 round to shift and not performing any other actions in that turn.

Bounties / Menace (purple-colored titler) - If your character has a bounty on them or is a menace, the Combat Fairness Rule no longer applies to you, and you can find yourself at a disadvantage of up to a 1:3 ratio. Bounties are also only allowed one escape attempt. Passive characters can also claim bounties.


Q: Can I flee before the initiative phase

A: Yes! You can roll a check to flee before the initiative phase. If you lose the initiative, that is considered consent to PVP.

Q: Can a friend buff me before or during combat if they are not participating?

A: No, an ally may not cast a buff onto you prior to combat during an RP scene if they do not intend to/can join the combat.

Q: I failed to flee, is my turn over?

A: Yes, if you fail to flee, you effectively forfeit your turn as attempting to flee is an action.

Q: Can I join a combat scenario that's already in progress?

A: Only with consent. Once the initiative order has been decided, no others are able to join in until the combat is over or consent is given by all parties.

Q: Can I attack someone right after combat if my character is not in the scene and does not pick a side?

A: No. Once combat resolves, the victor may leave the area freely. If they choose to stay in the area for a reasonable length of time, then a new scene would be created, and you could potentially attack them.

If you have any questions about any rules or require further clarification, combat resolution, etc., please reach out to an officer/moderator or owner/admin on either Discord or Second Life.