Altarions Herbarium: A primer on Spiran Flora

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Greetings and salutations dear reader one can only assume in perusing this primer that you have an interest in the various plant life found within the lands of Spira, and I Atarion Thesillus IV have taken it upon myself to enlighten you and, indeed, the world.

Softwood- We begin this primer with the most humble and noblest of flora, the  gymnosperm tree. From Spruces to Pines and Conifers, these trees provide and excellent source of softwood which can be crafted into useful items such as softwood boards, charcoal, and more.

Hardwood- The noble angiosperm trees. Oak, Spruce, Hickory, Birch. Many a hardwood tree graces these lands. With firmer and less flexible wood, these trees are perfect for upgrading previously formed items such as making softwood boards into hardwood boards, as well as providing firm material for staves and foci.

Ironwood- Of particular note are those trees which exhibit properties even greater than your typical hardwood trees. Acacia, Eucalyptus, Picrodendron baccatum. These trees exhibit exceeding toughness and tensile resistance, they can be considered the hardest to gather from and require the most skill when craftting. Such wood can be used for quality upgrades to many items, providing some of the best materials for shields

Fibers- Found scattered throughout the land, fibrous plants such as Pampas, and bamboo can provide a crafty tailor with the necessary threads to begin crafting cloth for bandages or clothing

Spider Sik- The arachnids of this land have proven a most unique source of study (One which I shall expound upon in a further primer, rest assured dear reader). The webbings which they produce are fine as silk, and resilient as such too, providing the spiders with a most effective means of trapping food, and a tailor with fine materials for making silken garments for those around whom their origin is of little concern.

Mithril Thread- Perhaps even MORE curious is the strange tendency that this spider silk has to sometimes coalesce and congeal together with minerals in surrounding stone....sometimes resulting in an even more rare form of thread, mithril strands. These can provide some of the most balanced and flexible clothing available in Spira, with a particularly adept ability to fend off magic attacks alongside physical ones.

Wheat- Used in the production of flour yeast, wheat can be found in several areas of Spira, most notably near the Drunken Alfiq. An ingredient in cooking

Grapes- Somewhat of a rarity to find, grapes have. nonetheless found a home here in Spira, thanks to the efforts of farmers and botanists. Most commonly used in the creation of juices and wines

Lemons- A most curious of citrus, lemon trees appear rather frequently around Spira and can be easily harvested by even the most novice of botanists, providing a kick to dishes and drinks

Cabbage- A humble but stalwart plant, cabbages can be found both growing wildly and being tended to in gardens around Spira. A common ingredient in salads and other light meals.

Potato- The hardy and dependable potato, as to be expected, can be found here within the lands of Spira where it is prized for its ability to produce starch as well as being a valuable source of nutrition, and a common ingredient in cooking

Corn- The wonder crop, capable of growing large yields with fairly efficient use of land, maize grows wild here within Spira, yet to be cultivated. A common ingredient in cooking

Apple- This regal red and sweet fruit can be found within Spira as well, commonly growing around Somweyr. Used in pies, drinks, and other meals, they are sure to be the apple of any tavernkeeper's eye

Tomato- The big red berry, Tomatoes are plentiful in Spira, both in the wild and farmed, and can provide just the pleasant flavor a tavernkeeper is looking for. Added commonly to salads and pastas.

Berries- Speaking of berries, others such as blueberries, blackberries and the like can be found, and are often added into other meals or with wine

Peppers- Capsicum both spicy and non can be found growing wildly throughout Spira and one should take caution in ingesting these raw

Cooking herbs- Maca, Ginger, Oregano, Garlic, Sage.....many an herb used for seasoning and cooking are readily available and may be found often grouped together

Medicinal Herbs- One should take care when harvesting herbs. As any good botanist should know, the parts harvested will affect their use, either medically or in cooking. Be sure to know what you need

Spices- Of these herbs, gathering ingredients for spices will often prove the most difficult for novice botanists and should be handled with care and skill

Msuhrooms- There are two common varieties of mushrooms and one should take great care in identifying between the two as one is edible, the other poisonous

Special Classifications: Following are an accounting of a few of the more unique plants around Spira and their uses outside of the Spiran crafting system

Dragon's scales- Identifiable by the bright red and yellow leaves the rest upon ths stem, often red near the top during the hot seasons. This plant secretes an oil that some animals find rather irritating. The colloquial name of Dragon's Scales comes from the sight of irritated skin, often raised up and red that can resemble the scales of a dragon

Harperlily-  Fragrant and delicate, to grow and maintain a harperlily is considered the mark of a skilled botanist as these plants can be temperamental and short-bloomed. Sometimes used in aromatherapy, or extracted into essential oils

Night's Veil- The leaves and bulbs, when ground and mixed with honey are often used as a sedative to aid restless sleepers

Cradlebulbs- Identifiable by their unique propensity to bulb beneath their leaves instead of above, these seed bearing plants will seek to spread themselves by attaching to fur or clothing of passerby, wherin these hooked bulbs will fall off later to sprout within the new, hopefully fertile soil they have been brought too.Rather prolific within forested areas, the roots are commonly boiled down to create an anti-inflammatory

The author would note, Dear Reader that this section remains woefully unfilled and would invite others to use this primer as inspiration to go and seek the most exotic and rare of plants that can be found. Spira abounds with magic and mystery just waiting to be discovered!