Gaskin, not a cultist

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Gaskin, not a cultist

Oh, I didn't see you there stranger. Just minding my crops, like someone who's not a cultist would. Say, can I get your name?

-> Give Name

Well, [Player Name] , it's nice to meet you! Say, I have a task I could use some help with, if you're interested?

-> What Task?

Could you put this poster ont he wall to the left of my front door? People keep... Well, they keep doing things in my house they shouldn't. I figured a sign might help.

-> Sure

Perfect! Come back to me when you've finished it.

-> Leave
Place here the Scoll!.png

Placed parchment for Gaskin.png

Thank you so much for that! Now people will definitley stop having intercourse on my bed!

-> Leave