Foxsong NPC
Guard Captain
Name: Razhul Rellington
Disposition: Stern, Honest, Cheery, Fatherly
Constraints: Will hold accountable the actions of others, no matter how minor. Will always answer truthfully. Has no issue arresting someone for breaking the laws of the area. Available Interactions: Asking for information on the various areas. Can report unlawful activity to. Can bail someone out of prison. Can bribe with wine and fine foods, can take/give bounties.
Bathhouse Matron
Name: Beatrix Bela'Quiose
Disposition:Prim, Proper, Professional, Judgemental
Constraints: Will defend a patrons privacy, will be polite until disrespected, will allow anyone to use the facilities so long as they promise to not cause any harm to anyone. Available Interactions: Hire potential "help" for the bathouse, dismiss help from the bathhouse, give small hints of information on any goings ons in the desert location.
Pirate Captain
Name: O'Shay
Disposition: Grumpy, Aggressive, Conniving, Dashing
Constraints: Will always try to get shards from players in any way possible, likely will take bribes for information on many of the npc's in the area, will give information on the Ocean Biome, will be far more friendly to dastardly types. Available Interactions: Bribe with shards, Fight, Seduce, Gain information, Give jobs to players
Grave Keeper
Name: Naskul Deeproot
Disposition:Solemn, Respectful, Quiet
Constraints:Will defend the injured and tend to them to the best of their ability, will not attack unless provoked or someone disturbing the graves, can give information on the void, if asked directly will reveal the nature of Mortis Available Interactions: Medical services, last rights, speaking and communing with the dead, information on Mortis, Information on the void, hints regarding quests in the void.
Thieves Spymaster (Tavia's boss)
Name: Ciris Aventail
Disposition: Cold, Ruthless, Not Nice, Calculating
Constraints: Has no issues offing a threat, will only work with individuals with a high enough reputation with the thieves guild. Doesn't talk or interact with outsiders. Only found in the sewers Available Interactions: Gives special quests for thieves guild related activities, can take/give bounties
Foxsong Chancelor
Name: Lanai Harkness
Disposition: Unsure of herself, feels thrust into her duties. She is resolute in doing everything she can for her subjects. She is kind, but just. She is a Shifter that just discovered this fact but has little skill in her newfound abilities. Her constraints are that she lives and views those she cares about from afar...She wants to be able to walk amongst her people but can't due to the frequent attempts on her life. She very much feels like a prisoner and gets depressed often.
Constraints: -/-
Name: Giyan
Disposition: -/-
Constraints: -/-