Bloody Floors

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The Beginning (Necromancer Quest)

To start the quest you need to find 5 traces of a crime in the tavern Drunken Alfriq.

Below you will find the positions based on the pictures of the bloodstains. ---->
First blood trail in the tavern, near the upstairs. Click the Blood
Here is a red book in the upper part of the tavern in the bookshelf which you have to click on.
A trail of blood in the upper area of the tavern by the beds. Click on it.
Here you will find 2 tracks in the upper area of the tavern. First you can click on the handprint, then on the open door.

The tracks and the barbarian.

You must now go to the barbarian NPC Do'Kumurr. You can find him in or around the tavern. Sometimes he takes a bath or a nap in the basement of the tavern, then he is not to be approached for a moment, if you don't want to annoy him.

When you have clicked on him:

What is it?

-> Clues

Ziss! That sounds bad! Do'Kumurr wonders if it was that shady character we had staying on the bed up there some time ago... He was the quiet sort, shifty almost.. but then he vanished one day.


Do'Kumurr nods ''Yes, just poof, Gone... He seemed obsessed with this book of the dead, but this one has not seen him since his key to the attic vanished...

Lost key?

Do'Kumurr nods ''Yes walker, Do'Kumurr's key to the roof space went missing some time ago, This one has not had a chance to check there, but perhaps you could go for him? He is err... Too large to get through that tiny door.''

You should now go back to the upper area of the tavern and click on the door.

The hidden Room

Once you click the door, you will be directed to another room. There you have to find an important clue to move on. Experienced eyes will find it, but also another clue at the skeleton, which is only important for story lovers.

The Skeletton note

You see a burned up Skeleton clutching the charred remains of a book on the floor, the cover is mostly illegible but you can make out the imprint of the letters Necr...

The Hidden Note
Behind the bed on the right side of the head you will find a scroll that will take you to the next room. Click on it.
Blood Trail note.png

You see a scroll on the floor behind the bed, still rolled up. It looks in pristine condition, sheltered by the matress from whatever happened in this room.

Open it

You pick up the scroll, within it is a small pendant.

Use Pendant

The cave of the Necromancer

Follow the path down to the statue and then click on it.

You approach the skull.

Who are you?

I am the skull of undying.

What offer?

I can give you the power to command that which is no longer bound by mortal folley.

I want it. (Necromancer class(min lvl 10) No Thanks

Very well...

Run Away!

The Report

You are in front of the tavern again and can now report to the NPC Do'Kumurr.

What is it? Also, did you find out anything about the roof space walker?

Explain Lie

Do'Kumurr listens to you frantically explain the whole ordeal, his face frowning in sadness and discomfort ''That is.. Most unsettling walker.. Well, thank you for letting Do'Kumurr know yes?
