Bowgentle Book

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The rune of Bowgentle.

[The cover of the book was made from a thin slab of slate bound in Amnian yoxen leather that was dyed a glossy black color. It was embossed with a pattern of a human and a dragon and had an oval plate on its center that had Bowgentle's personal rune. There were 53 sheets of vellum in the book, sewn into the spine with silk.]


The book's 53 pages contained many common and uncommon spells, two that were unique as of its publication and one that was crafted by Bowgentle himself. Three pages were dedicated to applications and preparations for the spell cantrip. These were the spells inscribed in the book:

• Affect normal fires

• Cantrip

• Hold portal

• Identify

• Mending

• Read magic

• Sleep

• Continual light

• Darkness, 15' radius

• Detect evil

• Detect invisibility

• Dispel silence


• Forget

• Knock

• Levitate

• Locate object

• Magic mouth

• Rope trick

• Strength

• Wizard lock

• Blink

• Dispel magic

• Fireball

• Fly

• Hold person

• Infravision

• Leomund's tiny hut

• Lightning bolt

• Protection from evil, 10' radius

• Protection from normal missiles

• Slow

• Tongues

• Water breathing

• Bowgentle's fleeting journey (unique)

• Charm monster

• Confusion

• Dimension door

• Enchanted weapon

• Fire shield

• Minor globe of invulnerability

• Polymorph other

• Polymorph self

• Remove curse

• Wizard eye

• Bigby's interposing hand

• Cone of cold

• Hold monster

• Passwall

• Wall of force

[The spells are written in different spellings and often also encrypted which only a spellcaster knows how to decipher.]


[Bowgentle sought magical knowledge from many dangerous locations in Spira during his years. In his old age, the mage stopped by the House of Wonder, wrote down his spells, and shared them with the apprentices there. When Bowgentle died, and the Masters of the school learned of his passing, they ordered a compilation of his spells to be written and titled it Bowgentle's Book. It was closely guarded in the school's library.]