Laws of Foxsong Haven

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This is a list of enforced laws in the city.

There are 2 types of justice, High justice, and Low justice.  

  • High Justice:  Applies to the nobility and city officials
  • Low Justice:   Applies to everyone else, including merchants

Certain appointed high ranking nobles and city officials may administer high justice to their fellows..  Any landed noble may administer low justice to city commoners.  The only people presently recognized as nobility, are a few city STC's.  The only way for a player character to gain this, is to be awarded a noble title by the city itself.  Foreign nobles are not recognized as nobles deserving of high justice within the city, but will be respected so long as their actions are deserving of it.  Nobles may administer justice only within the city itself.. When this occurs, it is usually to summon a player character guard to take care of the matter if one is available.   Or to bring the offending persons to the guard.  Nobles caught abusing this power are treated much more harshly that a city guard for the same infraction.

1.  Assault:    The attempt to inflict bodily injury on another unwanted and unasked. (enforced in all areas the city of Foxsong owns or is Contracted/operates in) (minor Offense)

2.  Battery:    The successful attempt to inflict bodily harm on another unwanted and unasked.  Unintentional killing is also covered by this if the victim was a commoner. (enforced in all areas the city of Foxsong owns or Contracted/operates in) (Major Offense)

3.  Murder:    Killing and ending the life of another unwarranted and unasked. Unintentional killing is considered murder if the victim was a noble or city official. (enforced in all areas the city of Foxsong owns or Contracted/operates in) (Capital Offense)

4.  Theft:      Taking goods and services without permission of the owner

(enforced in all areas the city of Foxsong owns or Contracted/operates in) (Minor Offense if under 250 shards, Major Offense 251+ shards stolen)

5.  Contempt of Court:   Insulting and/or verbally harming and causing embarrassment of city nobles or Emerald Guards in public. (Enforced only in the city of Foxsong) (Minor Offense)

6.  Treason:   Plotting or acting against the city and ruling body

(enforced in all areas the city of Foxsong owns or Contracted/operates in) (Capitol Offense)

7.   Fraud:    Impersonating a noble or city official by either attire worn, or by behavior.  This also includes copying or faking certain items that are produced by the city in an official manner such as Official writs.  (Enforced only in the city of Foxsong) (Major Offense)

8.   Heresy:   The practice and proselytizing of a religion not approved by the city (to be approved by the city, one just has to apply for a writ of permission and pay the fee.  And present themselves to the council [at this time the only known religion that is forbidden, is the worship of Pan]  (Enforced only in the city of Foxsong) (MaJor Offense)

9.  Disarmament:   Weapons of war shall not be carried within the Upper City During any city gatherings and events,  a weapon of war shall be described as a device that has no other use than to harm or kill and is not used in the performing of chores and tasks.  All weaponry thus proscribed shall be left with the guardhouse for safekeeping, and returned when the owner wishes to depart.  Emerald Guards may make this determination as they see fit within the law.  This also includes guns,  bows, and any devices used to facilitate magic if the owner is not nobility, or employed by the hospital  (all this requires is that any player caught wearing one on their physical avatar,  unequip it from their avatar,  this has NOTHING to do with the GPHUD,  they do not have to unequip anything from their simhud)

(Enforced only in the city of Foxsong) (Minor Offense)

10. Arson:   The intentional, or unintentional starting of fires that results in the destruction of property not owned by the one who started the fire unasked or unwarranted.  This also forbids the starting of any fires that are not in a contained receptacle, IE: fireplaces, firepits, cookfires etc, within the city  (Enforced only in the city of Foxsong) (Major Offense)

11.  Vandalism:  The destruction or damaging of another's property unwanted and unasked  (Enforced only in the city of Foxsong) (Minor Offense)

12.  Slavery:   Only a convicted criminal, convicted by the city of Ren'takal, may be taken into slavery as penance for crimes.  It is not hereditary or lifelong except in cases the convicted was sentenced thusly..  The convicted slave will remain a slave so long as they have an unpaid debt specified at the time of sentencing..   A slave taken by any other means will not be recognized within the City walls. (Enforced only in the city of Foxsong) (Major Offense)

13.  Decency Conservation:  Guards must remove and escort anyone displaying visible signs of arousal and fornication from the patrolled spaces.

- Arousal can be defined as erect, pulsating, or excessively leaking genitalia.

- TLDR: Requesting that people do lewd stuff outside of patrol areas (usually highly public areas), bapping them if needed. (Enforced in the City of Foxsong and all Contracted Ares that Emerald Guards patrol, this is presently The walled city portions of Foxsong, Somweyr Docks, The road leading to the Drunken Alfiq Tavern, The Drunken Alfiq tavern itself, and the road and crafting area in Somweyr ruins) (Minor Offense)

14.  Piracy:  The willful act of seizing property on the high seas or being found to be a member of a known captain's crew, or ship known to practice piracy (Enforced in all areas the city of Foxsong owns or Contracted/operates in (Capital Offense)

15.  Enemy of the State:  The willful act of mustering into an army, either foreign or domestic.  Without the permission of the crown. For the purposes of opposing the city of Foxsong and it's forces or to subjugate the subjects of Foxsong (Enforced in all areas the city of Foxsong owns or Contracted/operates in (Capital Offense)

The penalties for committing these crimes have varying degrees of severity.  But as a general rule,  here is a guideline for the city guards to go by.


  • The city of Foxsong
  • The roads of Somweyr
  • The Drunken Alfiq Tavern
  • The Crafting ruins of Somweyr
  • The Port Island City of Calica

Minor offense, 100 shard fine, failure to pay will incur Involuntary servitude of 1 day (90mins RL) doing menial labor

Major offense, 500 shard fine  failure to pay will incur involuntary servitude of 1week (4hours RL) doing menial labor,  

Capital offense, 1000 shard fine, possible city expulsion, possible execution, punishment is severe,  possible longterm involuntary servitude 1month (1day RL)

Severity of the crime

The importance of the victim will determine the severity of the crime.  Commoners carry no modifier,  Guards incur a 1step increase, Minor nobles and city officials incur a 2step increase, greater nobles incur a 3step increase (in example, assault on a knight who is a city guard is a 3step increase, minor noble+guard  so 100+300shards for a 400shard fine
