Lellyn’s Journal

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                             Lellyn’s Journal



This journal was found on the body of the shadow slain warrior that

you stumbled upon near the entrance to the dark woods. The last

entry is of particular interest:

“Nothing is as I’d imagined that it would be. I expected to become a

hero when I joined Mazzy Fentan’s party. I expected that we would

slay monsters with ease and bask in the glory of victory as they do in

the old tales. But it is not as it seems.

I did not expect the drudgery of the march, the casual horror of

slaughter, the smell of death everywhere. I swear I can taste it!

We’ve killed so many shadows and black wolves that my brain has

become as numb as my arm. I am covered in ichor but have not the

energy to even clean myself.

If not for Mazzy I think that I would be mad. She is a constant source

of strength and always reminds us of the innocents that these beasts

have killed, of the horror that we must take upon ourselves to save

the people who have no defense. Mazzy is the hero here, not I.

The battle has only just begun. Today we arrived at the entrance to

the ruined temple. It was crawling with shadows. Were it not for

Mazzy’s quick thinking we would surely be dead. There were far too

many to fight but Mazzy used the stained glass of the ruins to reflect

what light we had, illuminating the entrance and sending the shades

to their doom. While the stained glass caught the light, we were able

to find a pocket of safety. Any shadows that came within were

destroyed by the light.

Tomorrow we will attempt to enter the temple and the darkness. I

have never felt such dread. I try to be as brave as Mazzy but cannot.

I feel the horrible inescapable urge to run and when the battle is

joined, I can only hope that I will not.”