Scroll of Vae Victis Oaths

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[A slightly faded handwritten  is at the top with the seal in the center of Vae Victis].

*Learn it by heart, Live it, be it!*

1. Swear to defend the innocent, above all else, with unyielding courage and steadfast loyalty.

2. Pledge to offer succor and support in every form to those we have sworn to protect, whether in times of war or peace.

3. Take up the mantle of safeguarding civilization from the malevolent forces that threaten it, by barring the entry of those whose auras bode ill.

4. Vow to be the sword that stands between the realm and the shadowy powers and the perverted cults that seek to bring about its ruin.

5. Strive always to establish and maintain peace and order within the domains of the Vae Victis.

6. Swear to uphold the solemn oaths of the Vae Victis in all that you do, with honor and without fail.