Skill Tracking

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Resource Manegment

Information on skill limits during combat.

Skills in Spira can use a variety of resources in order to be used. Focus Points, Health Points, and Summon Points are just a few examples of required resources to activate a skill.

You can select your skill menu and click on any skill to get a summary of what resource it might use.

Please see the image above for a sample skill summary.

Common Resources:


  • Referred to as Focus Points or FP.
  • It can be increased by leveling Focus.


  • Referred to as Health Points or HP.
  • It can be increased by leveling Constitution. ⠀

Summon Power:

  • Referred to as Summon Points or SP.
    • It can be increased by using your classes' summon skill (ex.: Necromancer's Raise Dead).

Note: Some skills might require active buffs, debuffs, or previous skills to have been used.

The skill dialog box will specify if any pre-requisite skills or buffs are needed to trigger a skill.