Staying Alive

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To complete the quest, you must have fetched and used a GP Potion from a Trademoogle and 100 Shards. As well as have replenished your FP points at a FP crystal. You may not have a cooldown on the healer stone!

This quest is required for entering the NPC faction "Adventure Guild" as well as for the Engineer quest series!

The Beginning

In Foxsong Hospital, find the talking skull in the upper area, this will start the quest.

Fibula, Medic Apprentice the speaking Skull

Well, I see you've got your eyes on me.

We'll I got my eye on you as well - just the one.

Oh, don't bother with your name or being worried about how we can communicate.

I'm a talking skull with a floating ghost eye, and I don't understand what's with everyone else's obsession with knowing your name before talking to you.


FP- Points Regeneration Crystal for every 8Hr

This world is a dangerous world, but if you listen to me it's going tibia okay.

First thing's first - shards are very important, people even use them as curency, but you can also use them to fix wounds and get your fighting strength back.

IF you do as I say I'll teach a few things to survive.

Ready to run some errands?


So, there was this person that figured out how to make shards fix your body - with RUNES.

Just find a strangely shaped rock with a small glowing red shard inside of it.

Healing Stone from Spira. Your Healed up every 48 Hour!

Touch it, and stay close to it for about a little more than five minutes, but no more than thirty minutes, and touch it again!

After that it should mend any wound you have. Come back to me after you've done that once today!


You touch the totem as you feel it form a link to your body, it's healing energies starting to swirl within you.

If you stay near this totem for a bit you'll be able to fully restore your health.

((Stay near this totem for 5 minutes and you'll be able to fully restore your health, otherwise look for a Medic, Healer, or use health restorating items.))


Wait 5 MInutes! Then click again the Stone!

As you place your hands on the totem you feel vitality flow through you, healing all of your current wounds as your health is restored.

Your health points (HP) has been restored to 120 HP.

You'll be able to do this again in 48 hours.

You get the Heal Exhaustion Debuff

Go now back to Fibula!

Look at that, you did it!

Now you know where to go to if you ever have a marrow escape with death.

Now to learn about getting your combat focus back! This time you're just looking for some glowing blue shards. Touch them and you'll feel their energy fill you - although your body can't handle it more than once a day... I think someone at some point figured out it's literally souls? Not sure, not my bone to pick.


The Way of a Medic----Kit?


You know, you're really good at touching possibly dangerous things without much worry.

If you want to gather things... well talk to the weird white fuzzy rat tings with a ball on their head. I'm a medic.

Actually... speaking of being a doctor... Now that you know how to heal yourself, I could show you how to heal others and make Medic Kits...


You keep rubbing your ability to just move away from me a lot... Do you want to learn how to make Medic Kits and maybe even be a Medic or not?


Alright, so you'll need a few things:

One Bandage - I'll sell you one at that bag on the other side of this table for 60 shards, or you can get it form an Alchemist.

One handful of Medicinal Herbs - 30 shards at that box on the pillar over there, or as a botanist to get you some.

Come back when you have them.


Bandages Bag  in the Ren'Takal Hospital 60 Shards per piece
Herb Box  in the Ren'Takal Hospital 30 Shards per piece

Look at that! You have the things!

Now go to that mortar between the herb box and the bandage bag, and smash them together.

I know what I'm talking about, don't doubt me.

I'm an Apprentice Medic.

Oh...It also costs10Shards.

Or you can ask an Alchemist to mix them.


Mortar&Pestle Ren'Takal Hospital 10 Shards per use

You did it!

I'll let you buy some bandages from me as well as Medicinal Herbs every now and then, but I really recommend getting an Alchemist to help you make the Medic Kits, I'll always over charge you.

I've always felt bone-ly, so I'll use your shards could keep me company.

You can keep that Medic Kit, or give it to someone else. Take some time and think about healing others, and talk to me again later if you want to learn how to do so.


You lost 100 shards for this Mission

You get 1 EXP and 100 shards for this Mission