The Ashes of Titania

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The Ashes of Titania

While it is said that Titania had died, her form and divinity was cast across Spira.

So there are very little remains of the Fey, but in the small corners of the world, some ashes of Titania remain.


        This silver ash is hard to authenticate, but the myth goes that when she died, she vanished. Her physical remains scattered to the wind. Some of the ashes of her body were found by worshippers and kept in places. It is mentioned that the ashes have the ability to whisper the last moments to ones memory. It is like holding the creation of a world in their hands. To stare at the ashes and feel them is like understanding the world around them in a different way.

        For that reason the ashes are valued very much to anyone who seeks them. Some event believe the ashes are a cure all. The silver dust is fine and glowing, but its true nature is only determined by someone of pure heart.

        The ashes are unenchantable, nor can they be used for magic. They are constant and even alchemy cannot break their power. The inert properties of Titania's Ashes remain a mystery to most that at first glance they may be useless. And for that they remain out of reach except for the most desperate of fools.