The Carrion Dream

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The Carrion Dream Symbol

Ever since the shattering of the Veil releasing Pan from his binds and causing mass destruction to the realm. The shards, the memories, the essences of Spira was gone but somehow contained in a dream like state that held on the recounts of it all. Ever since Pan's exit came around a new world that seemed to be far different in the creation it contained once made by the earlier denizens. The left over seperate essences of the Viel, the bits of shards and finally the memories and dreams of people comingled as one falling and settling into a lonely cavern left to be forgotten. People in this recreation of Spira, realm formed new became once again able to thrive. And thrive they did. However wasnt until the classes of those started to form. From lofty nobility to the wretched of peasantry. Society would learn that even the most wretched needed to be casted out. The people who were cast out were The Outcasts people who lived in various places but were shunned due to either sickness, People who were too poor to keep up with the cleanliness of society, People who would rebel against the status quo. And finally the depraved and unhinged deemed to unruly to be amongst peers. They stuck around out each other in an unsteady note of nesscity. The Outcasts searched long and hard with many nights and days and sometimes sleepless to settle into a place. Until one fateful day they have. The Outcasts discover a rather cavernous area filled with many out croppings all of them can call thier home.

They explore the cave and come to find it abandoned as it lead one them to explore deeper. The Outcast's name was Marren. A denizen that wanted to live his life but soon it came to end quickly since the grand shunning. He decides to venture deeper coming into a long forgotten area with stale air, and the only friends this cave seemed to have kept was the skittering legs of insects running along the ground and walls.A strange mist hung in the air that felt wrong, and somehow lonely coming onto a pool of  red essence liquefied sitting in a basin of old forgot rocks with crumbled building layered amongst each in ruin with old bones that scattered the place. Surrounded with red jagged crystals that jutted up from the ground that surrounded the pool.

As Marren saw this he turned back to tell the rest of The Outcasts on what he found. As they ventured towards where Marren found the pool. As they ventured forward the crystals start to pulse a crimson light with low drone of humming as the drone continues pool of essences starts to flow in the basin bubbling a brewing as it intensified. Suddenly thousands of skittering insects swarm the holes of the cavern and entrances as the The Outcasts  become surrounded. The downtrodden denizens of The Outcasts start to become mauled and swarmed by the insects as they glow a bright pulsing red with the crystals and the bubbling essence erupts filling the cave as the blood of The Outcasts mixes with the essences and begins to absorbs their half eaten bodies along their memories, dreams and intentions.

After sometime coming out the pool seems to be The Outcasts all coming off with a red mist, a horrible stench flowing off them. As they all looked around at the ruins. All with a longing face to see something what could have been home from back then now leveled and ruined. With tears they cried causing the cave to be covered in a red mist hanging in the air. Marren being one of the first to discover this comes forward and looks at The Outcasts and says. " We have been friends we had in the places we resided, by the people who were supposed to protect us.. By everyone who said we be alright. But now... things are going to change. Our worlds were turned upside down this and the last one." When suddenly a voice would ring from the crystals, within them, within in the essences. " Our home was abandoned by mother and father a tumultous turn of events that ended up in tragedy... Mother wanted me to protect this land...Mother wanted me to give people a home..Mother sought to keep father away from all you...But suddenly... i shattered..Father was stronger And left mother's embrace. Now...home is not home anymore. Your world casted you out, My world is not mine to go back. This worlds existence is a plague...a blight...and needs to change or die altogether. Cure their existence with my existence as they wanted me gone so long along ago... Now we will make them gone." The essences of the veil says now twisted by the memories of The Outcasts and the abandonment of its creators now hellbent to plague this world.