Weapons of the Sea

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In the high seas, many weapons are used...from Ramming to Chain shot....this book details the various types

Round Shot - The Round shot does 2x damage to the hull of a ship, it is the most used weapon type. Cannons fire spherical metal balls at a target and it is mostly used to destroy a ship.

Chain Shot - Chain shot destroys the sails of a ship, it lowers the speed. Against small ships like the sloop or frigate, these weapons can be devastating. Against bigger ones like a Galleon though, they have little to no use, as the range and firepower of a Galleon is also strengthened with heavy hull.

Grape Shot - Grape Shot destroys crew. Each ship usually has 100 crew, and the crew can influence the damage and repairs a ship makes. Against heavy foes like a Galleon, the crew is vital to keep it afloat. Crew is very unimportant to Sloops and Barques though, because they usually do their damage through special ammo instead.

Fire Shell - A type of cannon shell that uses some sort of Greek Fire to light the ship. These shells should not be underestimated, as a sloop can quickly stack fire stacks on a ship, causing DoT every turn. Bracing usually allows the crew to avoid and put out fires.

Poison Shell - A type of cannon shell that poisons the crew. This damages crew over time. Unlike grape shot, the poison shell injures crew by percentage. Only used by Sloops, Barques and Ketches.

Herbal Shell - Used by a support Brig, these shells can assist other ships by giving their crew a boost of energy.

Nature Shell - Causes a tangle of plants to grow over holes in  a hull, used by the support Brig to repair ships nearby.

Full Volley - A devastating attack used by the Galleon and Ship-of-the-Line. A short range attack that does 4x damage at the ship in its path. Because of this, Galleons and Ships of the Line can obliterate anything but their own class.

Ram - An attack that requires speed, when a ship rams into another, the damage is 1.5x of the speed of the ship. But the ship that is attacked takes 0.50x recoil damage. Only used by suicidal or crazy captains